At age 69, the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer continues to tour the country, playing hits from her 20 albums. Today, MacDonald has lost a total of 62 pounds, and her doctors have given her a clean bill of health. This powerlifting year-old made an intruder regret breaking into her home By Elizabeth Wolfe and Douglas S. They seized on the call because there was something electric about the idea of occupying Wall Street, taking the fight against austerity, budget cuts, and rampant inequality right into the bull's lair, the nerve. At 5'8" and a contest weight of approximately in offseason lbs. Afghan man has arms chopped off in brutal new ISIS video.
Female bodybuilder, 82, beats home intruder so badly he had to be taken to hospital
Meet World’s Fittest Grandma, 80 Years Old Female Bodybuilder
Meet the 80-year-old bodybuilder who started working out at 56
AccuWeather: Brisk and bright. Velvet later fell ill and suffered a brain aneurysm. An year-old award-winning female bodybuilder turned the tables -- literally -- on a home intruder and beat him so badly after he broke into her house that he had to be taken to the hospital. Login Forgot your password?
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